Agape Mattress Ministry

Program Director – Emie Wilhelm

couple standing next to mattresses


A mattress may seem simple, a basic item that may easily be taken for granted. However, a mattress can provide so much by way of a refreshing and restful night of sleep. Sleep that can ease some of life’s burdens and prepare one to face whatever the next day may bring their way.

mattresses stacked horizontally


The Agape Mattress Ministry was formed to show God’s love in our local community through gifts in the form of mattress and box spring. It is not intended to be a mattress upgrade, but a gift for those truly without. Needs brought to our attention are reviewed by our board and decided upon quickly.

If you would like to donate to these efforts or if you know someone in need of such a gift, please reach out to us at


Below are the mattress options we offer:
Twin mattress and boxspring for single individuals 
Queen mattress and boxspring for couples

Mattresses stacked vertically

Olmsted Outreach
3611 Salem Rd. SW
Rochester, MN 55902